A new child for the Walden Family

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Sunday, April 15, 2007

April 14th passed uneventfully 13-19 months to go

Another month of waiting down, 5 months of waiting out of the way now. Still no more girl referrals since the last frustrated post, but I think it'd be worse if I knew I was like number 3 on the list and it was taking so long as the end.
Today we fostered a little 3 month old girl just for the day. She was so cute and soooo well tempered. I can only hope our future little girl will be as easy as she was.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Real Deal about Angelina Jolie

For those interested, here is a good article about the experience Angeline Jolie had, who completed her adoption of a 3 year old boy last month from Vietnam.