Skipped Parent Education 9/11
The Parent Education meetings we've been going to each month are always on the second Monday of each month, so in theory we should have gone yesterday. But the topic didn't interest us. It was on creating a Christian home for our new children, in theory because that is the best home. I am sort of torn about this, because while I am Christian, Dave is not a practicing one. I go to church each week with Shawn and plan to go with our new child as well. But I don't think I need someone to 'educate' me about how to make my home a Christian one. Unfortunately, if you're not Christian most adoption agency are religious based. They don't discriminate in their application process against non-Christians, but it is an underlying theme of many agencies. It even was brought up in our homestudy. Our social worker wrote that we felt blessed to have conceived Shawn naturally, when although I love my son dearly and am very glad we had him, the idea of being 'blessed' was not one that honestly ever crossed my mind, and I think it is even less likely that that thought crossed Dave's mind. We asked Nikki to change the wording for us.
We are looking forward to future educational meetings, as the one next month is on promoting healthy attachment. We'll keep you updated!
We are looking forward to future educational meetings, as the one next month is on promoting healthy attachment. We'll keep you updated!