wait for a girl? 10/31
Well with the approach of our CIS approval looming closer now we will have to make a decision. Do we want to wait 8 months for a boy or 24 months for a girl. We wanted our kids to be close in age and we've been telling Shawn he was going to get a little brother. But we also both sort of wanted one of each. The longer wait will mean the kids are farther apart in age, and less likely to be as 'close' to each other, plus a boy and a girl will be less close (most likely) than two boys. Waiting longer will mean Shawn will be a little more independent and maybe do better with not being the center of attention. But it will also mean if we leave him home with my parents he will be more aware of our absence. And possibly more excited to see his little sister too. A longer wait time also means more time to save the money, but also means spending more money to renew our CIS approval, since it only lasts 18 months and will need to be redone.
Hi, we are a CHI family as well. Good luck with your decision, that's a hard one.
By Destination Motherhood, at 9:01 AM
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